Thursday, January 22, 2009

Muammer Qaddafi

His OP-Ed peice in the NY Times today is both most encouraging and discouraging.  His review of the history of the Jewish and Palastinian experience is balanced, if of necessity brief.  He does not pick and choose history which justifies the extremest views of Hamas and other groups which call for the total destruction of Israel. Moderates in the middle, Arab, European, American, Israeli seem focused on a 2 state solution.  He advocates a 1 state solution.  He sees the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their pre 1948 homes, farms, etc. as THE injustice which must be addressed. He calls for the continuation of assimilation between Jews and Palatinians, which he sees already happening in both Israel and the West Bank.  What is most enscouraging to me is his acknowledgemnt of valid historical issues on both sides.  Arab voices have come forward in recent years and acknowledged there are valid issues each side has.  The Saudi proposal to guarentee Israel's right to exist for example.  Arab voices are suggesting pragmatic solutions to the destructive cycle of violence and hate.  These are very encouraging, hopeful signs.  What is discouraging is the fear and hate, the distrust and revenge so many on both sides hold so tightly.  If you believe everything the Palastinian side does is only to advance the goal of the destruction of Israel, Isreal cannot compromise in any way.  If you believe you are the intentional victim of great moral injustice than Palestinians cannot do other than seek  full redress.  There can be no talking, no agreement.  Very discouraging.  For the first time I remember Arab leaders are talking about talking with Israel. Enough of Israel seems willing to reach some agreement if they are confident of the sincerity and control on the other side of the table.  That is very encouraging.

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