Thursday, April 16, 2009

been a little while

Just have to comment on the Teaparty wavelet.  The bitter underlying assumption is - I don"t wanna, its mine, Wah wah wah.  Really, the original teaparty protested taxation without representation, the new one protests taxation with representaion?  And those are the most rational of those attending.  Sorry we have tried less government since Reagan and we have the biggest bust since the last time republicans deregulated and worshiped business and the free market ( read - took all the money they could get from the rich) - the great depression.  And that one was deeper and longer because Hoover kept trying to balance the budget as things spiraled down.
Sorry you idiots we are not gonna deal with the debt on those children holding signs their parent gave them by balancing the budget and enjoying a 20 year depression this time around.  I guess the best part of the teaparties yesterday was that in a country with over 305 million people only 250,000 attended, about 8 hundreths of 1 percent.  Given the tough times we are in and the strenuous efforts of rightwing media ( Fox-Limbaugh) and The National Republican Party that is a remarkably low percentage of stupid-angry people.

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