Thursday, February 5, 2009

President Obama today

He has a column in today's Washington Post.  Makes an ironclad case for moving now on the stimulus bill.  Additional comments from White House mention it is a tiny percentage of the whole package drawing most of the negative coments.  Saw some politcal stategist who said the Republicans have realized if they go along they get little credit and democrats maintain power. The only path back to power republicans see: if the public perceives at some point in the future the adiministration's stimulus efforts fail, the republicans can pick up the peices.  Probably true for many republicans, given they cynical way the same people used and abused power the past 8 years.  But not for for all, I think. I predict the eventual bill will show President Obama worked to bring as many diverse congressmen and women together by listening, talking and negotiating without given up the parts of this stimulus bill which he nows will work.  Lets watch the process work out over the next few days and weeks.

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