Wednesday, February 25, 2009
What the Republicans missed, in a nutshell
Americans want help, they don't see business or individuals as a source of that help. Pres. Obama is right when he says government should and must do what we as individuals cannot do for ourselves. Governor Jindal's praise for the private acts of help during Katrina show how out of touch the ideological Republican right is with the rest of the world. Katrina exposed government failure, not private sector success. It will be a long, hard republican road back if that is the view they take.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Boston College is right
Some students at BC are protesting the crucifixes which have recently been hung in all classrooms. One protestor said it is inconsistent with the Jesuit tradition of openminded acceptance of other religious traditions. The school is a private institution. It has every right to display symbols of whatever religion it chooses. The school has every right, if it chooses to require religious study, chapel attendance, ordination, or any other activity which does not violate the law. No one is forced to go to that school. No one is forced to take advantage of the excellant education offerred there. If students disagree with any particular policy of the school they have the right to go elsewhere. They have the right to apply to the school administration for a change in that policy. However protest implies the school is committing a wrong. It is not.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
moving out
Getting ready to move. The new place will be fine, smaller than the old place but all in all okay. There is something liberating about moving. You are forced to make a million decisions about what to take, what to give away, and what to throw out. You find things you don't remember you have and want to keep. Other things out in plain sight you look at and say I haven't needed it or used it for years, goodbye. If you have been evan moderatley comfortable where you are, moving to some place that is the same or less is not something to look forward too. But as Martha Washington said ( at least I read she did ) We bring our happiness with us. It goes in the same moving box as gratitude for a path forward and the health to go down it. The most important parts of life, the health and happiness of those we loave and care about, stay in our hearts and move with us wherever we go.
Friday, February 6, 2009
color and behavior
Report in the NY Times today that test subjects performance with detail and creativity were significantly affected by the room color they were in. Red heightens our ability to deal accurately with detail. Blue enhances creativity. Other colors affected female attractability, yellow affects hunger and thirst, red and green have other behavioral afffects. Are these evolutionary adaptations, red associated with primitive hunting, eating, threats. Blue associated with bodies of water, clear unthreatening sky, no data yet, only speculation. Up until Freud exposed the hidden workings of our subterranean thoughts and emotions, the European concept of man was of a rational mind fighting with "lower" instincts. It appears from these studies there is a part of us which subtly reacts to our environment in ways we are not conscious of and which affects our behavior. All the time we are unaware. How mysterious we are to ourselves, how unkown to us, we still are.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
President Obama today
He has a column in today's Washington Post. Makes an ironclad case for moving now on the stimulus bill. Additional comments from White House mention it is a tiny percentage of the whole package drawing most of the negative coments. Saw some politcal stategist who said the Republicans have realized if they go along they get little credit and democrats maintain power. The only path back to power republicans see: if the public perceives at some point in the future the adiministration's stimulus efforts fail, the republicans can pick up the peices. Probably true for many republicans, given they cynical way the same people used and abused power the past 8 years. But not for for all, I think. I predict the eventual bill will show President Obama worked to bring as many diverse congressmen and women together by listening, talking and negotiating without given up the parts of this stimulus bill which he nows will work. Lets watch the process work out over the next few days and weeks.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Partisanship forever
Well unfortunately the Republican criticism of the Baleout bill seems as much aimed at democrats and President Obama as it is motivated by sincere concern for the good of the country. While some specific objections seem reasonable, and the way Speaker Pelosi went about getting the bill out of the House does not appear bipartisan, still the talk that "this is the worst start to any Presidency" and the Baleout bill will cripple this country for a generation, seem grossly partisan. There are sincere objections to the bill, they total way less that 5%, they add up to much less that 40 billion, actually probably less that 2% or 8 billion. A lot of money to be sure, but really its the baby out with the dirty bath water. I beleive the American voting public will applaud and approve of the President's work to gather bipartisan support. They will see thru the self-serving Hue and Cry from the Republican right. That kind of mindless, groundless, misinformed shouting will not work this time.
Vatican update
The Vatican has ordered holocaust denier Bishop RichardWilliamson to unequivocally reject his stated opinions on the holocaust. The Vatican further states the Pope was not aware of the Bishop's statements when he withdraw the Bishop's excommunication. If you make an obvious mistake your critics have trumpeted, it is best to correct and move on quickly. That seems to be the case here.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
juggling as a life skil
Right now I am dealing with several issues which are important to me. I have to grab ahold of my thoughts. Look at the issues and their time lines to resolve. Look at each issue and prioritizeall of them in order of immeidaite importance See how they do interweave. Than figure step by step what needs to be done, and which stpe shoudl be first, second etc. Easy to say and easy to do when the issues are not of great personal moment. We all handle multiple goals, prioritizes, feelilngs, situations, issues, relationships, etc. It just gets a bit harder when some of the balls we juggle have heavy emotional content. Keeping the balls in the air, and knowing which ones can drop without crushing your foot is a useful life skill.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Why do they nitpick
The criticism of the economic stimulus bill seems focused on tiny percentages of the total amount. Large dollars yes but a very small part of the whole. So why. Politically if you are a Republican you are floundering for an identity which will get you re-elected. The past decade or so many Republicans made a science out of misrepresentation, misdirection, and a focus on the mote in the opposition's eye. A habit hard to break. But there is a substantial concept underlying this. President Obama and those who voted for him want fundemental change. The Republican Party has been the establishment party for much of the past quarter century. Even during the Bill Clinton interregnum, he was forced to "trianglulate" to get much done. The powerful interest groups who have supported the Republican party do not want fundemental systemic change. They want goverment help for each of them. They do not want changes that will force them to adapt to a new environment in which they may loose their primacy. Well, President Obama was right, he won. He won because the majority of American voters want change. The fight will be hard, no one gives up power, money, and influence easily. But it is what the voters want. Compromise to broaden support, will be helpful. But not neccasary. Republicans, for their own benefit, should recognize that bowing to the cultural and business interest groups will further isolate them from the voters. Of course there are valid policy discussions to be had. Raise them where they exist. Break free. Or like Herbert Hoover, you will be for a generation the party of the past.
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