Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Partisanship forever

Well unfortunately the Republican criticism of the Baleout bill seems as much aimed at democrats and President Obama as it is motivated by sincere concern for the good of the country. While some specific objections seem reasonable, and the way Speaker Pelosi went about getting the bill out of the House does not appear bipartisan,  still the talk that "this is the worst start to any Presidency" and the Baleout bill will cripple this country for a generation, seem grossly partisan.  There are sincere objections to the bill, they total way less that 5%, they add up to much less that 40 billion, actually probably less that 2% or 8 billion.  A lot of money to be sure, but really its the baby out with the dirty bath water.  I beleive the American voting public will applaud and approve of the President's work to gather bipartisan support. They will see thru the self-serving Hue and Cry from the Republican right.  That kind of mindless, groundless, misinformed shouting will not work this time.

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